Traditional Education

Traditional education is practically a thing of the past, something most of us have never even seen, what to speak of having lived or experienced such a life-style. We are generally totally ignorant of what itmay be or what it might have been. Whatever little we have heard about traditional education has often left us with negative impressions and reservations about it, as we were likely exposed to the so called short-comings and even “backwardness” of such an educational system.


“Varnashrama is a combination of the two Sanskrit words “varna” and “ashrama”; varna refers to the social classes known in Sanskrit as brahmana (intellectual class), ksatriya (administrative and warrior class), vaisya (productive class) and sudra (worker class),” “Not to be confused with that modern perversion, the caste system, the varnas are closely connected with one’s natural aptitudes or inclinations, which help determine one’s future social occupation or profession in life. Traditionally in Vedic times, one would receive this training from a young age.”

Sankirtan Movement

“The first he called ‘Sankirtan Movement,’ referring to the Holy Names and books, the second ‘Deity Worship Movement,’ referring to establishing temples and Deities, the third ‘Spiritual Initiation Movement,’ referring to congregational preaching, and the fourth ‘Classless Society Movement,’ referring to the Varnashrama mission.”


Ashrama, meanwhile, refers to four spiritual classes—brahmachari (student life), grihastha (householder life), vanaprastha (retired life) and sannyasa (renounced life). These four ashramas exist to help us move towards Krishna consciousness and a natural and gradual detachment from the material world.

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