Presence of The Soul

Srila Prabhupada on Presence of The Soul

As soon as there is a little light in the sky early in the morning, we can understand that the sun is in the sky. Similarly, since there is some consciousConscness in all bodies – whether man or animal – we can understand the presence of the soul.
Bhagavad Gita 2.20, 
Srila Prabhupada.

Four Items for Instant Improvement

This is the position of Krishna Consciousness that if anyone will take to it seriously, he will find instant improvement in his life’s condition. The purpose of our centers for Krishna Consciousness is to give everyone the opportunity to remove this cloud of Maya from their consciousness and resume their natural, blissful life of rendering devotional service to Lord Krishna. The process is very simple: chanting, dancing, eating Krishna Prasadam and associating with Krishna’s nice devotees and these four items will make one advance very quickly.

Letter to: Linda Ryon — London 13 November, 1969

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