Prime Duty In The Human Form of Life

A fully responsible man should always be conscious of the prime duty of the present human form of life. The activities to meet the immediate necessities of material life are not everything. One should always be alert in his duty for attainment of the best situation in the next life. Human life is meant for preparing ourselves for that prime duty.

Freedom From The Vicious circle of Fruitive Action

If one desires freedom from this vicious circle (of fruitive action), then one must cease to act as a Karmi or enjoyer of the results of one’s own work, good or bad. One should not do anything, either good or bad, on his own account, but must execute everything on behalf of the Supreme Lord, the ultimate proprietor of everything that be.

Neglecting The Failures

In the beginning there may be some failures. That is quite natural. Just as when a child is trying to stand, he may fall down. But that does not mean he should give up the idea. Go on. A time will come when he will be perfect. A time will come when you will be perfect, Krishna conscious.

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