Experiencing Real Enjoyment

We are meant for enjoyment, but we are seeking enjoyment in a false place – in an illusion, like the desert animals that run after water in a mirage and eventually die of thirst. They cannot relieve their thirst with such illusory water. Similarly, we are trying to manufacture many things to satisfy our thirst for enjoyment, but we are being baffled at every turn because material existence is an illusion. Real intelligence means to inquire, “Where is the reality? Where is the eternal substance behind the illusion?” If we can find that out, we can experience real enjoyment.

Our Duty – Become Krishna Conscious

As soon as the child is born ; immediately there is milk in the breasts of the mother and one minute before, there is no milk. As child is born, immediately who supplies the milk? He does not see that one Supreme (person) is supplying all the necessities of the others. So our duty is only to become Krishna Conscious. Other things will be supplied by Krishna.

Changing One’s Fate

Fate can be changed by Krishna Consciousness. Krishna says, "I shall give you protection from all the resultant action of your sinful life.”  That is fate changed.  When you surrender to Krishna, He takes charge of squaring up all your sinful activities and their reaction.  Surrender to Krishna; then your fate is changed.

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