Effects of Chanting Krishna’s Names

Chanting Krishna's sweet name purifies the heart, sanctifies and steadies the mind, destroys the six enemies [lust, anger, greed, envy, illusion, madness], stops birth and death, dissolves sins, scorches samskaras, annihilates attachment, induces detachment, uproots desires, empowers one, makes one fearless, removes illusion, bestows supreme peace, delivers prema, reveals the Lord and His dhama, shows one's svarupa, showers bhakti-rasa and engages one in his nitya seva for the pleasure of Radha Shyama.

Committing Suicide

There is distinction even in wood. There are so many jungle woods, we can use it for cooking.  However, the sandalwood, which is so valuable, if we do not know what is the value of sandalwood, if we use it for cooking and burning …. Similarly, if we use this human form of life exactly like the cats and dogs, simply for sense gratification, then we are committing suicide.

Material Opulence

The mercy of Krishna and rendering of devotional service, all these help one give up the association of non-devotees and material opulence awarded by the external energy, Maya. A pure devotee is never attracted by material opulence, for he understands that  wasting time to acquire material opulence is a misuse of the gift of human life.

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