Devotional Service

Devotional service is dependent on the mercy of Krishna and His devotees. Unless we surrender to the lotus feet of a pure devotee, it is not possible to come to the platform of pure devotional service. By his own efforts a bee cannot taste the honey within a bottle. The bottle must be opened by a superior. If the bee simply licks the outside of the bottle, thinking “Now I am tasting honey,” then he is in illusion. Similarly, no one can enter into devotional service unless the door is opened by a devotee.

Receiving Krishna

Krishna is everywhere. Simply you have to catch Him and He is also ready for being caught. Yes, if somebody wants to catch Him. Suppose you are a devotee, if you want to catch Him, He comes forward ten times than your desire. He is so kind. Therefore, we have to simply receive Him.

Glories of The Month of Kartika

The Lord does not award the devotional service to ordinary persons who are not serious about it but even such unserious persons who execute devotional service according to the regulative principles during the month of karttika and within the jurisdiction of mathura in India, are very easily awarded the Lord's personal service. 

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