Animal Killing

Sometimes during the war, soldiers keep their enemies in concentration camps and kill them in very cruel ways. These are reactions brought about by unrestricted animal killing in the slaughterhouse and by hunters in the forest.

Srimad Bhagavatam’s Glories

Spiritual rasas [tastes], which are relished even in the liberated stage, can be experienced in the literature of the Srimad Bhagavatam due to it being the ripened fruit of all Vedic knowledge. By submissively hearing this transcendental literature, one can attain the full pleasure of his heart's desire.

Deliverance of Conditioned Souls

A pure devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is always thinking of how fallen, conditioned souls can be delivered. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, influenced by the devotees' attempt to deliver fallen souls, enlightens the people in general from within by His causeless mercy.

Material Progress

Due to so-called improvements in material opulence, people have entirely given up the path of realization. Practically no one is interested in God, one's relationship with God or how one should act. Modern men have altogether forgotten such questions because they are mad.

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