What is Human Life Meant For?

Human life is meant for the ultimate pleasure, the ultimate contentment and the ultimate realization of love of God. Without self-realization, a human being is miserable and unfortunate.

Maya’s Greatest Challenge

It is Maya’s greatest challenge to somehow or other disunite the devotees. As long as there is any impurity in our heart, Kali is going to try to manipulate that impurity to create an excuse for us to quarrel and fight, to sever the unity of our relationships so that we cannot work together to serve Srila Prabhupada and Krishna.

Maya’s Efforts to Impede The Krishna Conscious Movement

At any given moment Maya could create 100s and 1000s of excuses for us to have conflict and distrust towards one another. Srila Prabhupada explained that there is nothing that Maya can do from the outside, to (in any way) impede the progress of this Krishna consciousness movement.  The only way she could impede the progress is from inside, by creating enmity amongst the devotees and we should know that at every step she is trying her very best to create enmity – because she knows that this ISKCON movement of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the greatest threat to her supreme reign in society and in the world today.

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