God’s Name

God’s name is the most powerful medicine for the soul to cure it of the disease of forgetfulness of God.

Selfless Act

To the degree our actions are selfish, it cannot satisfy the heart. A selfless act is that in which we are truly giving ourselves for the object of our love.

Experience of God

Wherever we find the teachings, the association and the inspiration to purify our lives, to lead a life of integrity and humility and to live in a spirit of selfless service—that’s where we are going to find the deepest experience of God.

Association of Saintly People and Spiritual Practices

Our consciousness and our motivations in life are like spectacles having different colours, which make everything appear tainted. Association of saintly people and regular spiritual practices give us the vision and the philosophical ideal which help us see the world clearly.

Hearing and Chanting God’s Names

Just like we need food for the body, we need food for the soul and what is that food? Hearing and chanting God’s names in the association of saintly people. Otherwise, we will give in to temptations at the smallest instance. We will be weaklings, spiritually.

Pleasing the Lord

When we stand before the Lord, we should be meditating on how we can develop the qualities and the characteristics by which he will really be pleased to see us. Then, when we have such a consciousness, he actually reveals himself to us.

Coming Closer to God

God is the center of everything. When we truly, honestly strive to make him the goal of our life, God will be pleased with our endeavor even if we fail. He will give us all help, and even in the difficulties we endure in the process, he will bring us closer and closer to him.

Spiritual Advancement

The more everyone makes spiritual advancement, the more everyone is happy in that state, the more God is happy. So, that should be our happiness. Then there is no envy or jealousy. There is only competition of who could serve each other better. That is a beautiful state of mind.

The Grace of God

The greatest power of God is grace. The grace of God could lift one up even from a very fallen, miserable situation and give one entrance into the realm of eternity.

Real Peace

As long as we identify ourselves only as a product of this material existence, there can be no real peace.

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