The Might of Death

The beggar on the street and Bill Gates has the same amount of money, at the time of death.

Lecture on "Memories of my youth" – 27th OCT'06 – DXB

Krishna Consciousness

Krishna consciousness at the bare minimum saves us from bad work and over and above that it gives us the richness of having the purpose of life.

Lecture on "Memories of my youth" – 27th OCT'06 – DXB

Attaing Prema Caksu

First one sees God through jnana caksu(the eyes of knowledge) and then by practicing bhakti he attains prema caksu(eyes of love).

Lecture on "Memories of my youth" – 27th OCT'06 – DXB

Being A Fool

You have to be a complete fool to not accept the existence of God.

Lecture on "Memories of my youth" – 27th OCT'06 – DXB

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