Living Very Simply

Actually you can live very simply. You don’t need so many things. Modern society, they have given the idea that you need so many things: unless you have twenty pairs of shoes you can’t survive. It’s not true. You don’t need so many things. You don’t need so many different clothes and you certainly don’t need TV.

Lecture on “Simple Life on Farm Communities” (Pula Farm, Croatia, 20 October 2000)

Living Without TVs

Life is possible without TVs. It’s possible, and actually it’s much better. I can say, maybe twenty-seven years I haven’t watched TV. Yes, I am still alive. You can touch me; I’m not a ghost.

Lecture on “Simple Life on Farm Communities” (Pula Farm, Croatia, 20 October 2000)


Live simply, grow your own food, chant Hare Krishna, develop higher consciousness, study the philosophy of Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam.

Lecture on “Simple Life on Farm Communities” (Pula Farm, Croatia, 20 October 2000)

Selfless Act

To the degree our actions are selfish, it cannot satisfy the heart. A selfless act is that in which we are truly giving ourselves for the object of our love.

Experience of God

Wherever we find the teachings, the association and the inspiration to purify our lives, to lead a life of integrity and humility and to live in a spirit of selfless service—that’s where we are going to find the deepest experience of God.

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