Chanting is A Relationship

Chanting is not just a process, it is a relationship. You and the holy name are together for two hours every day. If you are conscious of this while you chant, your chanting will dramatically improve.

What to think?

If we would just think about how to advance in Krsna consciousness as much as we think about other things, overcoming the gross and subtle forms of sex would be a much less difficult task.

No Magic But Discipline

There is no easy path when it comes to sexual purity. Strong commitment to purity, coupled with self-discipline and strong sadhana are essential. Otherwise, sexual attraction is insurmountable. Even great sages fall prey to its allurement.

What Are You Missing?

Think about all that is being missed in our Krishna Conscious life just because we adhere to the one impurity called sexual impurity. Or conversely, think about what we could do more in Krishna Consciousness when we get rid of this impurity. We would be more enthusiastic and less offensive. We become angry & offensive when our desires are not fulfilled.

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