Be Satisfied With Yourself

Be satisfied with who you are. If you are not, you will tend to be jealous of others and unhappy with yourself. Be happy with the way Krsna made you and use the gifts He has given you to further your service.

A Few Positive Words

Sometimes another devotee’s light starts going out, and you might be the very person who can rekindle it into a flame. You might not always think you can or should do much, but often a few words of sympathy or encouragement, even to a devotee you don’t know – or don’t know well – can make a huge difference in their lives.

Let HIM Solve It

Krsna will help us to the degree we have the intention and make the effort, to improve. Certainly no problem of ours is too great for Him to solve. We just need to be willing to let Him solve it.

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