Real Poverty and Real Richness

You have no money, you are empty handed then also you are poor but there is another kind of being poor, another way you could be poor, poor in consciousness.Of the two it is better to have no money but you are rich in consciousness, you have Krishna for you and in fact that’s all that you need, that’s all that soul needs.

Absorbing One’s Consciousness in Krishna

Although the mind may work imperfectly at the time of death, Krishna gives a devotee shelter at His lotus feet. Therefore, when a devotee gives up his body, the mind does not take him to another material body.  Rather, Krishna takes the devotee to that place where He is engaged in His pastimes. One’s consciousness, therefore, must always be absorbed in Krishna and then one’s life will be successful. Otherwise, the mind will carry the soul to another material body.


The Devotee's Mood : Everything is for Krishna, Nothing for me and whatever comes, its Krishna's mercy, Krishna's Prasad.

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